Sunday, June 18, 2017


Year on Year, year by year,  IT employees gets the fear and gear up profiles

This year I am able to get to the near truth how it went. I tried to depict here in a funny way without harming the feelings of judges.

About the milking contest:

          1. 10 Ltrs of milk has to be milked in 1 hour.
          2. The hour is further divided into 4 quarters for the participant's progress and feedback.
          3. Extra 10 mins grace will be  given if requested
          4. They can use external forces which are applicable and legal

            1. American milker (11 years of milking experience)
            2. Japanese Milker (19 years  of milking experience)
            3. Chinese Milker (8 years of electronic experience)
            4. Indian (12 years of Milking, 2 years of onsite milking role, 3 years of milking team manager)

Context started...everyone was taken into the farm and after 2 hours came to know the results.

Chinese got 1st which is "Outstanding" rating
Japanese got 2nd  (Exceeded expectation rating)
American also got 2nd  (Exceeded expectation rating)

Indian got failed.

All the winners got awarded and paid well except the Indian.

On another day, I was able to meet this Indian candidate over the tea break. Somehow we landed on this contest topic and he explained it very well.

Inside the farm, they give few farm animals by the Judges and a stop-watch. They said it was picked with no separation parameters, partiality or unfair bias. Once it is given we cannot question or exchange for a period. If we exchange then we will be disqualified.

American was able to milk 10 Lits in 30 mins (2 quarters of an hour). Once they reached the objective they submit the output and walked away.

Japanese: As we always know they are very dedicated and perfectionist especially on the quality of the product. They used other friends and planned the time equally and used extra 10 mins of grace time. and they were able to produce 70 Ltrs of milk which is beyond objective.

Chinese: He started the project 5 mins late. They had a group discussion and finished the milking in 15 mins. They were able to milk 120 Ltrs of milk.  They went on the farm and started selling electronic stuff

Indian: It was a very tough challenge. My judge told me that this is the better place to prove my capability, endurance, time and team management and dedication. I was able to milk only 6.5 Ltrs of milk more than 1 hour and including the 10 mins grace time.

I asked him how come the difference is so huge.  He was still unsure because his judge all decision was based on the objective, environment and attitude towards milking.

I said, "still the difference is huge", you might not have done well.  I asked 2 questions.
What other participant did which you didn't follow? What you did which participant others didn't follow?

Sadly he explained secret of success;

Chinese: Even though he started his project 5 mins late. 2 member team discussed how much quantity of plastic milk is required to make 120 Ltrs of milk. They had the plastic powder and mixed with water and reached beyond the objective.  They went out of the farm and started selling electronic stuff because they don't want to taste their milk.

Japanese: They grouped small agile team of 4 and there were 4 teams which are 16 participants. They planned 5 mins of a cycle and team change for resting. So they were able to produce 70 Ltrs.

American took the support of cow milk claw tool. It took almost 10 mins to fix the milking readiness and started to milking. So, he was able to milk 10 Lits in 30 mins (2 quarters).  He didn't need any human support.

I asked him, What you did?

I did get only one team player who was a rookie.

So, what. You could have team planning.

Yes, we did team planning finally and able to find the equation to reach success.

I said " And you failed. What was the equation."

Someone has to hold the picture of cow's back and another one has to milk.

I laughed. .."You could have used the Milking machine fixed"

I asked how many cattle you got.

He said I got 7 while others got only 4.

I said all your experience might be right but your attitude might be an issue.

He blasted loudly with sadness.

Everyone got 3 California cows and while I got 7 OXE. How can I fix the milking claw on them? I was able to convince that rookie that we can arouse the excitement of  OXE and collect their semen and show as milk.

No one joined my team because they were looking for my foolishness. Judges said I got right and extra resources still my productivity is very low so they failed me. Also, my English was very poor so they failed me. And I was under utilising the rookie asking him to hold the picture of Cow's back in front of the  One which I made him play around.

I was speechless.

This is how the appraisal happens in IT company. Everyone supervisor thinks that they had done Godly decision thinking that they made an unbiased decision.

Isn't English is a language. Most of the Indian IT company started treating English as a Knowledge and measuring tool for attitude and capability.

I am not mentioning about the quality of product each one was given.

No one questions these judge because supervisors also "Trained IT Dog". (refer my previous story)